Academic Programmes/Courses Offered

Presently a Three-year undergraduate Programme (Honours) in Arts under CBCS, Dibrugarh University is offered in following subjects-

  • Assamese
  • Economics
  • Education
  • English
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

Mathematics is offered as Generic elective for all the honours courses.

Students will be offered Honours Subjects on the basis of Merit and/or Test conducted by respective department.
General Electives for a specific core course shall be opted by students in terms of preferences (1st, 2nd and 3rd). If seats for the General Elective in the department of the first preference of student is filled up, then the student shall opt for the 2nd, then 3rd preference in that order.
Students from Science and Commerce stream can also join in any of the honours courses offered by the college.

Subject Combinations

Bir Raghab Moran Government Model College, Doomdooma is currently offering following subject combinations for honours course.

Honours Subject

Generic Elective(Students should select any one of these subjects as Generic elective)


Political Science, Sociology, History, Economics, Education, Mathematics


Political Science, Sociology, History, Economics, Education, Mathematics

Political Science

Sociology, History, Economics, Education, Mathematics


Political Science, Sociology, History, Mathematics, Education


Political Science, Sociology, History, Economics, Mathematics


Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Education, Mathematics


Political Science, History, Economics, Education, Mathematics

AECC -1( Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-1)
*Compulsory for all honours students

Communicative English


           AECC- 2 (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-2) Alternative English/MIL(Assamese) *Students have to select anyone.