Evaluation process

Examination and evaluation shall be done on a continuous basis, at least three times during each semester. There shall be 20% marks for internal assessment and 80% marks for End semester examination in each course during every semester. There shall be no provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts of the end-semester examinations. However, a candidate may apply for re-scrutiny.

Internal Assessment:

In internal assessment, different tools such as objective tests, written tests, assignments, paper presentation, laboratory work, etc. suitable to the courses may be employed. The Procedure for Internal Assessment is prescribed in Annexure III Dibrugarh University CBCS Regulations.(Go through the Link provided in general information for students) The students shall be informed in advance about the nature of assessment. Students shall be required to compulsorily attend internal assessment including appearing the Sessional Tests, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the End-semester examination. A Student cannot repeat In-semester examinations. The department may arrange special in-semester examination whenever necessary.

Rules for Internal Assessment in B.A./B.Sc./ B.Com. Programmes in Semester System

The marks allotted for Internal Assessment (20% ) in each course shall be based on the following:
a) Sessional Examination I (Written): 25% of the marks allotted for internal assessment.
b) Sessional Examination II (Written): 25% of the marks allotted for internal assessment.
c)Seminar/ Group Discussion: 25 % of the marks allotted for internal assessment.
d) Attendance: 25 % of the marks allotted for internal assessment.

Each sessional examination shall be conducted by the concerned teacher(s) of the course. The setting of question paper, invigilation duty, evaluation of answer scripts for each paper shall be done by the concerned teacher(s) as a part of his/her/their normal duty. The teacher concerned shall fix the date of the sessional examination of each course complying with the Academic Calendar of the University. The students shall have to write the answers in the scripts provided and duly authenticated by the college/ institute concerned.
After evaluation, the answer scripts should be shown to the students and corrections should be made if necessary. After this, the answer scripts should be collected back from the students.
There shall be no provision for “repeat”/ “betterment” in the sessional examination. If a student misses any sessional examination for unavoidable reasons, the concerned teacher may allow the student to appear in a separate examination at his/her own discretion.

The marks of internal assessment secured by a candidate shall be carried over to next legitimate chances.

If a course is taught by more than one teacher then the concerned teachers shall conduct the process of internal assessment together.

If any student fails to appear in internal assessment, he/she shall not be eligible to appear in the end semester examinations of the course(s) concerned. The colleges/ institutes shall notify the same prior to filling up forms for examinations.

At the end of the semester (before the end-semester examinations begin) the concerned College shall submit the internal assessment marks in proper format to the University.
The University may call the answer scripts from the colleges/ institute at any time during the academic sessions.

End Semester Examination:

There shall be one End semester examination carrying 80% Marks in each course of a Semester covering the entire syllabus prescribed for the Course. The End semester examination is normally a written/ laboratory-based examination/Project Work/Dissertation.

The Controller of Examinations shall make necessary arrangements for notifying the dates of the End semester examinations and other procedures as per Dibrugarh University Rules (at least 20 days in advance) and the Academic Calendar notified by the University.

Normally, the End-semester examination for each course shall be of three-hour duration.